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Clarity Counselling Group

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Taking the steps to seek our counselling and contact a counsellor/therapist can feel frightening and uncertain and can be difficult for many. I recognize that this step takes a lot of courage and that many people reach out when things in their own life experiences and/or personal relationships are quite strained and they are feeling overwhelmed and at a loss of how to proceed. Prior to seeking out help, it is not uncommon for many people to be;

  • feeling lost/ overwhelmed/stuck/confused
  • feeling depressed/hopeless/sad
  • lacking desire/motivation or knowledge on how to move forward effectively
  • feeling confused or second guessing themselves or others around them
  • experiencing conflict in personal relationships
  • not being able to fully enjoy life or experiences as they would like to
  • feeling desperate for something to change
  • wanting to feel better or think clearer
  • desiring less suffering in their life and wanting more fulfillment, enjoyment, happiness and peace

Many people wait until they are feeling desperate or overwhelmed to reach out for help. I am here to help make this process of accessing therapy and asking questions more comfortable for you. I am happy to offer a complimentary, 20 minute phone consultation to discuss your needs, concerns, answer any questions you may have and to see if you feel that I would be a good fit for you. Having a good feeling and comfort level with a counsellor one of the most, if not the most, important factors in successful counselling outcomes. Therefore, I encourage you to connect with me so you can personally decide if therapy with Clarity Counselling Group is a comfortable fit for you.

Clarity Counselling is right for you!

Call for a complimentary 20 minute phone consultation